Why your attempts at taking care of your mental wellbeing might fall short
In my interactions with my readers, workshop attendees, friends, and clients, one question emerges more frequently than any other lately: “How do I establish a mental health routine for myself and truly prioritise my emotional wellbeing?”
Feel free to gripe from time to time; there's no shame in complaining
Back when I was consulting for a big tech company, I witnessed an odd rule set by the team lead: every time someone complained, they had to drop 50 cents into a jar.
5 strategies to hold inner experiences more lightly
One of the most valuable skills I’ve learned in life is the ability to adopt a broadened, flexible perspective towards self. It’s about learning to disentangle myself from my inner experiences, recognising that I’m not merely my emotion, my thought, or my memory itself, but rather the container that holds it.
Knowing vs. Acting on Your Values
Perhaps it’s the fast-paced modern life, the relentless busyness, information overload, the fear of missing out, or the discomfort of commitment. Whatever the reason, many of us find ourselves caught in a common dilemma: a wide gap between talking about our values and truly living them out.
Comfort feels good, until it doesn't
Imagine you’re embarking on a train trip to your desired destination. When you get to the station, you’re faced with a choice between two trains. One appears a bit old, with uncomfortable and slightly dirty seats, the other looks much more comfortable and induces reliability.
Making prevention as sexy as remediation
In a world full of tales of triumph over adversity, some heroes often go unnoticed—the ones who prevent crises before they arise. While society idolises those who bounce back from the brink, the concept of prevention remains undervalued.
Is there something wrong with me?
Do you remember the day- or, if you’re not old enough to recall, perhaps you've read or heard about it—when cereals were promoted as essential for our health due to their nutritious content?
Why the famous “avoid stress” advice is useless
Recently, I accompanied a friend of mine to a doctor because she has been experiencing some health issues. During our second visit, after completing some tests, the doctor prescribed medication and concluded with the same old, well-intentioned advice: “You should avoid stress!”
In my previous post, I shared how to say no to non-essential requests. I talked about the importance of focusing on getting the right things done instead of doing everything you can. This is how you achieve efficiency while protecting your wellbeing.
Saying no takes courage, but it’s worth it
I have a confession to make. I’ve been enjoying saying no. I’ve been turning down requests to participate in new projects, saying no thanks to invitations to speak, and declining demands on my time across the board.
How leaders can prevent employee burnout
Let’s talk about burnout—that physical-emotional feeling that you can’t carry on with your job for one more Zoom call without losing your mind—and how leaders can prevent it.
Leading well despite the uncertainty and discomfort
As a leader of a team, and someone who works with leaders to help them stay emotionally well, I’ve witnessed…
How to be resilient
Life is unpredictable. Brace yourself with a suite of coping mechanisms, internal and external…
Things you should know before you start a wellbeing initiative at the workplace
Many employees suffer from poor mental health and wellbeing. According to a recent report published in 2019, two out of every five employees in the UK…
Emotional flexibility is the key to wellbeing
One of the best gifts that you can give yourself is learning emotional flexibility skills…
How to cultivate meaning in life
We are all faced with challenging, yet essential questions that help us understand meaning and purpose in life. Do I feel that…
How you perceive the time can influence your life
We mentally time travel almost every day. We visit our past, stay in the present moment, and think about the future. Some of us spend a lot of time…
Optimism is good for us as long as it’s realistic
When I was younger, I used to be a little annoyed by the phrase ‘optimism’. I think it was because I believed that a certain amount of…
The compassionate leader
Bad things happen. An employee might have lost a loved one, be having an important health problem, going through a divorce, experiencing bullying at…
Stop trying to motivate people
While motivation is an important aspect of leadership, it is deeply misunderstood. Many leaders fall into the trap of believing that we can “motivate people”…